My first time in UK. Tour of London, Bath, Stonehenge and Salisbury (part 2) : UNITED KINGDOM

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My first time in UK. Tour of London, Bath, Stonehenge and Salisbury (part 2)

London, Bath, Salisbury, Stonehenge

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My first time in UK. Tour of London, Bath, Stonehenge and Salisbury (part 2)

Località: London, Bath, Salisbury, Stonehenge
Regione: England
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May 9: visit the cathedral of st. Paul, the outside we had visited in the days before we enter, there are queues, no photos, rebuilt after the fire of 1666, the interior is very large, classical, a little baroque, even here you will find the graves of important characters of particular interest is the 110 m high dome, which can be reached by climbing up a spiral staircase of stone. I stopped at Whispering (it's very funny to see people talk turned to the wall, whose voice should be heard in the gallery, not surprisingly is called the whispering gallery.
Then we round the church, visiting the various chapels. We note the great monument to the Duke of Wellington, notable the altar, the choir and the mosaics that depict the creation, perhaps because there was the incredible crowd of Westminster, St Paul but I really liked because I could visit safely.
We leave and arrive at Tate Modern, through a pedestrian street and the Millennium Bridge.
We make a sightseeing tour, then we decide to go for a snack at the 5th floor restaurant, which offers a magnificent panorama.
So we'll start the tour of the Tate, with many interesting works that offer a complete panorama of modern painting, particularly works of Picasso, Monet, Cezanne, Miro and other masterpieces of modern art even more.
Then we head to the elegant shopping streets Piccadilly, Regent Street, we pass in the vicinity of historic and Carnaby Street, the pedestrian, that seems a bit anonymous, although quite crowded.
Night tour at Piccadilly, crowded and full of lights, do not miss the Saturday evening.
May 10: Bath-Salisbury-Stonehenge
Visit the ancient Roman baths in Bath, are still well preserved, the site is in a beautiful square, which also overlooks the Abbey in 1400, with a beautiful facade, famous for the angels depicted as they climb and descend stairs stone, a part is currently under work. The interior is divided into three aisles, the window above the altar are depicted scenes of Christ's life.
The baths were built by the Romans, to enjoy life, taking advantage of thermal water sources, also known in earlier times.
Are very large, inside there is also a Roman temple and a museum with artifacts found during excavation, the visit is very interesting, the central part consists of a large pond, surrounded by an arcade, like a cloister, There are also other rooms, some with hot spring water, others with cold water, some tanks were reserved for women, the museum also presents interesting findings.
Head towards Salisbury, where we visit the impressive cathedral of the thirteenth century English Gothic style, surrounded by a large garden and in which, in the Chapter House, houses one of four copies of the historic and famous Magna Carta, the interesting ' ancient cloister, very large.
Let Salisbury Stonehenge, for years I had seen on TV and in dozens of magazines descriptions and legends of this archaeological site, dating back to 3000-5000 BC, I never thought of seeing him in person, although I have visited a site similar to Carnac in France.
The visit takes place along a small dirt track elliptical running outside.
It 'hard to describe, better look at the photos, the site seems smaller than I thought, is still uncertain why it was built, the cemetery ... ... altar, certainly compared to the Carnac stones are not vertical but also horizontal bridge, even now no one knows for sure how they did it to place them above those of high standing stones, although there is a video on You Tube, the visit is impressive, bearing in mind that what you see is only a third of original site, a must for those who stays in London a few days.
May 11: We head to Buckingham Palace, hoping to see the changing of the guard.
We arrive on the square, needless to say, is full of crowd, however, succeeded in placing not bad, for me it was a bit 'disappointing.
After lunch the crypt of St Paul, let's visit the British Museum, is one of the richest museums in the world, is enormous, and despite the crowd, you can see very well, when it is dispersed among the numerous and large salt, never seen anything like it.
The museum is passed by the Assyrians Babylonians at the battle of Adwa with a painting of an Ethiopian painter of the time (you can do about the photo). It is the only museum we visited almost entirely.
After this immersion in the ancient art go to Covent Garden is a nice square, rectangular, known since the seventeenth century, is now a square with a covered market, with shops on the side, attended, I think, mostly by tourists in the square visit the St. Paul Church,
the square is the London Transport Museum, but was later to visit, do a walk around, full of pubs and restaurants, but also of historic buildings.
We stopped to dine with bridge, then turn in the Strand.
May 12: Visit to Southwark Cathedral, near the Tower of London, hidden by the buildings that surround it, cuddled, the church is almost empty, it's free to take pictures but you pay 2 pounds, the front I think Gothic style of the original building (XI century) there is not much, then visit the Tower of London, crowded, palace fortress of medieval style, you have kept the crown jewels, but there are too many people in the queue, we prefer to do .
Packed in self service of Southwark Cathedral.
Then we continue to wander reaching Embarquement and take a ride on the Thames on comfortable boats, we try again to board the London Eye, but the tail is too long, and about 18:30, the day is sunny but there is a strong wind.
Then starting with Stansend night at the airport.
Ferny Forner


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